Retained search for Heads, Head of School Search Firms, Independent School Search Firms, Head of School Search Firms for Independent Schools, International Head of School Search Firms, Independent School Administrator Search Firms, RG175

Thomas P. Olverson
Search Consultant

Durham, North Carolina

(617) 599-3111


Background: In ten years as a consultant for RG 175, Tom has completed 31 searches and mentored over 15 heads of school. As a major thought leader in independent school education, Tom is the author of Leading Through Strategy, a book that applies the principles of business strategy to independent schools to help them thrive. The book has earned praise throughout the independent school industry. Rob Evans wrote, “Every head and aspiring head should read this book… it is clear and full of practical real-life advice.” He is also the originator of the RG175 blog, a monthly publication that provides practical information to heads and trustees as they face the inevitable challenges of leading a school. He has written numerous articles for independent school publications, some of which have been published in the NAIS Independent School Magazine. His article on bias continues to be used by RG175 consultants and search committees. As a result of his writings, Tom has been a guest on several podcasts and webinars.

Tom began the deep-dive interview at RG175 to provide search committees more information about presented candidates. Several years ago, he included early reference-checking to the deep-dive interview notes, again in the belief that the more information search committees have early in the process, the better their decision making.

Tom served as head of school for 27 years at two different schools. In his last headship at The Rivers School outside of Boston, Tom led the transformation of this school into one of the top day schools in a highly competitive market. In Boston, Tom was able to tap some of the leading business consultants in the world and used that knowledge to double the number of applications, reduce the acceptance rate to 37%, and grow enrollment by 55%. In gratitude for his transformational leadership, The Rivers School Board of Trustees established the Thomas P. Olverson Prize and the Thomas P. Olverson Scholarship for students coming from a tuition-free school in Dorchester, MA.

Of the many volunteer organizations Tom has been a part of, he is most proud of his work with the Ethics Advisory Committee at Children’s Hospital in Boston. As one of three community advisors, Tom worked with some of the most outstanding clinicians in the country as they wrestled with the many ethical dilemmas of treating children. To this day, The Rivers School has a thriving bioethics program.

Tom is a magna cum laude graduate of Duke University and earned a masters at The College of William and Mary.